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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Broadway Street that crosses Manhattan diagonally

  Rajesh Kumar Rana       Wednesday, October 16, 2024

It is the longest and widest street in Manhattan and all of New York, over 25 kilometer long. It crosses the whole of Manhattan diagonally, breaking its ordered grid structure and continues through the Bronx to the very city of Albany (the capital of the state of New York). 

Broadway Wikipedia-->>

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Broadway street that crosses Manhattan diagonally

Broadway, Manhattan, NYC

Why are Street called Broadway?

The street takes its name from "broad way", which in Dutch translates as "Breede weg", later this name was translated by the British and transformed into Broadway (Broadway).

Broadway nyc Map

Edgar Allan Poe in The Broadway Journal wrote: “Everyone knows that Broadway is the most luxurious street in the New York. This is the aorta, through which the best blood of our system flows. Everything that is exquisite on our continent has passed through this street. The best exhibitions are organized here, caravans from all over the world come here.” And it's true, these days Broadway is the center of luxury, the world of fashion and business people. 


Broadway starts on the outskirts of the southern part of Manhattan from Bowling Green Park, here it is somewhat reminiscent of the streets of an old European city. Another no less famous symbol of South Broadway, which tells us about the current values, is the bronze bull. It shows the beginning of the financial quarter. "Bull", as a symbol of an active broker that is bullish, during the stability of the stock market. There are always a lot of tourists in the "financial district", and this is not surprising, there is something to see here. In addition to this feature, until recently, the tragically famous twin towers towered here. Now in their place is the World Trade Center called the Freedom Tower. Nearby is a memorial in the form of two mirrored pools, the walls of which are washed by water. The names of people who died during the terrorist attacks are written on the outer walls of the pools. Gradually, the business part of Broadway turns into an administrative one. Once upon a time, the fate of America was decided here: where City Hall is now laid out, in 1776 George Washington read the US Declaration of Independence to the crowd.

Broadway Ave & Cedar St, Financial District
Broadway financial district


Broadway famous for "Theatre District", which has made Broadway synonymous with the American art of theater and entertainment. It is on Broadway that the famous Metropolitan Opera House is located.


At the end of the 19th century, the life of the New York theater received a residence permit on Broadway. And everything came from the Metropolitan Opera House in 1883, when he rented the building on 39th Street, opening the theater season with a fantastically successful production of Faust. To work as an actor in countless Broadway theaters is the dream of any artist. At one time, Chaliapin song here, Tchaikovsky conducted, Rachmaninoff and many other cult personalities played here. In any of the theaters, almost every day sold out. Although the price of tickets “bites”, it is definitely worth visiting one of the musicals. The section of Broadway, where dozens of the best theaters were concentrated, received the poetic name "Great White Way" (Great White Way). The Great White Way gave the world the concept of "musical", grandiose shows were staged in musical theaters, for which huge sums of money were spent. However, the budget of each production pays off with incredible box office receipts. Over time, other theaters began to move closer to the White Way with productions of various genres, mostly non-musical, with cheaper tickets and less famous actors. These theaters were called Off-Broadway or "Off-Broadway". Farther away from the center of the Theater District, a ring of Off-off-Broadway theaters formed. Most often they showed the audience experimental productions.

The career path of the actors in the show was clear and simple: first you perform in Off-off-Broadway, then in Off-Broadway, and if you're lucky, in Great White Way and, in the end, you travel with tours abroad. There are more than 30 performances at any one time on Broadway on any given night. Here are the top 5 most successful Broadway productions of all time that you can watch to this day:

1. The Phantom of Opera

2. Cats

3. Chicago (Chicago)

4. The Lion King

5. Mamma Mia (Mamma Mia!) 

Prices for performances range from $30 to $130 depending on the success of the show, the status of the theater and just luck.

Broadway musical
Broadway Theater


Broadway is also famous for the fact that at its intersection with 42 street is the famous Times Square, and at the intersection with Bowery Street is Union Square.

We can say that Times Square is the main attraction of New York. Here begins the all-American celebration of the new year, right there, on the information board, in 1945, the first message about the end of World War II appeared. At night, Times Square is big screens, where video clips and commercials, luminous posters are shown endlessly. Clubs, dances, striptease performances and peep shows are open all night. Movies are shown non-stop in cinemas. Trade is also delayed until midnight, which is not typical for New York. Here you can go to a large Virgin music store, look at designer watches in Swatch windows. Many onlookers are drawn to MTV's studios, whose large windows overlook the square. After Times Square and the "front" theater district, shiny Broadway ends and the West Side begins - a bedroom district, consisting of insanely expensive, but sleepy and insipid private houses of the 1920s-1950s. Further down Broadway, behind Lincoln Center, you can already see the hostile Harlem: in New York, anyone, not even a local, knows that a stranger may not like it. In your free time, you should definitely go to the Soho area, which in the past was a working-class area with identical cast-iron buildings, and now it is a prestigious place where creative people spend time. If you're going to go all the way through Broadway, it's impossible not to notice Central Park. It is just a huge, approximately 3.5 km² park in the center of New York, this is its pride and attraction for tourists. Once it was left in New York as a stylish place to relax, following the example of the famous Hyde Park in London. You get to Columbus Square by crossing Broadway and 8th Avenue. This is one of the most important road junctions of the city, from where the New York road distances are calculated. The beauty of the square is added by a large marble monument to Columbus.

Times square NYC
Times square NYC

The best lesson in the history and geography of New York, you will bring a walk along Broadway. Any area crossed by Broadway represents a separate layer of the culture of the American history of the city. Each has its own peculiarity of development, the rhythm of life, its own “zest”.

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Thanks for reading Broadway Street that crosses Manhattan diagonally

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