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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Concrete Plant Park: A Bronx Gem Reborn

  Rajesh Kumar Rana       Tuesday, January 30, 2024

From industrial wasteland to vibrant oasis, Concrete Plant Park in the Bronx offers a unique blend of history, nature, and community spirit, inviting visitors to explore its 7.39 acres along the Bronx River.

Concrete Plant Park - Bronx, NY

Concrete Plant Park - Bronx, NY
Image of Concrete Plant Park - Bronx, NY
Photo by James M. Mituzas, RLA

Nestled in the Longwood section of the Bronx, New York City, lies a 7.39-acre haven known as Concrete Plant Park. This waterfront gem wasn't always a place of serene strolls and lush greenery. Its history is etched in the very structures that stand sentinel today, remnants of a bygone industrial era.

From the late 1940s to 1987, the site hummed with the activity of the Transit-Mix Corporation's concrete plant. Silos, hoppers, and conveyor belts dominated the landscape, churning out the material that would shape the city's infrastructure. But time, as it often does, brought change. The plant closed, leaving behind a legacy of concrete giants and a void in the community.

However, from the ashes of industry rose a phoenix of recreation. In 2000, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, in collaboration with the Bronx River Alliance and local community organizations, embarked on a transformative journey. The abandoned site was reborn as Concrete Plant Park, a testament to the power of community and environmental stewardship.

Today, the park is a tapestry of nature and history. The restored concrete structures, adorned with vibrant murals, stand as silent guardians, whispering tales of the past. Lush green lawns invite picnicking and playtime, while a winding path hugs the Bronx River, offering serene vistas and a chance to commune with nature.

Concrete Plant Park isn't just about passive recreation; it's a vibrant hub of activity. A paved bicycle and pedestrian trail connects the park to the Bronx River Greenway, beckoning cyclists and walkers to explore further. A charming "reading circle" of concrete chair-like structures provides a quiet nook for bibliophiles, while a shaded seating area fosters community gatherings and impromptu picnics.

But perhaps the crown jewel of Concrete Plant Park is the Bronx River Foodway. This innovative edible forest, established in 2017, is a testament to the city's commitment to sustainability and community engagement. Visitors can meander through a wonderland of medicinal plants, nut trees, native berries, and familiar vegetables, learning about edible landscapes and the bounty nature offers.

Concrete Plant Park is more than just a park; it's a symbol of hope and resilience. It's a testament to what can be achieved when communities come together to reclaim their spaces and reimagine their futures. It's a place where history whispers in the wind, nature flourishes, and the spirit of community thrives.

So, if you're ever in the Bronx, take a moment to step into Concrete Plant Park. Let the restored giants transport you back in time, savor the tranquility of the Bronx River, and discover the edible wonders of the Foodway. You might just leave with a renewed appreciation for the power of transformation and the beauty that can bloom even in the most unexpected places.

Additional Information:

  • Hours: The park is open from sunrise to sunset.
  • Dog policy: Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
  • Transportation: The park is accessible by the Bx41 and Bx42 buses.
  • Parking: There is limited street parking available near the park.


Thanks for reading Concrete Plant Park: A Bronx Gem Reborn

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