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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ohio State travel guide | history, weather, landmarks and facts

  Rajesh Kumar Rana       Saturday, May 4, 2024


Ohio State travel guide | history, weather, landmarks and facts
Ohio State flag

State of Ohio travel guide

Ohio is a state located in the northeastern part of the United States. The capital is the city of Columbus. Major cities: Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati. The population is 11 544 951 people. The area is 116,096 km². The northern part is bordered by Michigan, the eastern border is by Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and to the west by Indiana. Southern border with West Virginia and Kentucky. In 1803 he became the 17th US state.

Some background information on the state of Ohio:

  • Official name: State of Ohio
  • Largest city: Columbus
  • Other major cities: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Akron, Dayton, Youngstown, Parma, Canton, Loraine, Mansfield.
  • State Nicknames: Horse Chestnut
  • State State Motto: With God's Help
  • Ohio Zip Code: OH
  • State Date of Formation: 1803 (17th in order)
  • Area: 116,000 sq. Km. (34th place in the country.)
  • Population:more than 11.5 million people (7th in the country).

Population and religion of Ohio:

The population density is 109 people per km². The racial makeup of the population is as follows: 82.8% White, 12.2% African American, 3.1% Hispanic or Latino, 1.7% Asian, 0.2% Indian or Eskimo, 1.1% - other races, 2.1% - two or more races. Ethnically, about 29% of the population is of German origin, 15% is Irish, 10% is English, 8.5% is Polish, 6.5% is Italian. Religiously 76% of the population are Christians, 53% are Protestants, 26% are evangelicals, 21% are Catholics, 1% are Jehovah's Witnesses, 1% are Jews, 1% are Muslims, 17% do not identify themselves as any of the religions. Ohio's net migration rate is very low, as is population growth.

Ohio State symbols, history, capital and map

State symbols:

As with other states in the United States, Ohio has a list of official symbols and objects associated with the state. For example, the official state bird is the cardinal, while the official state tree is the Buckeye tree (hence Ohio is called Buckeye State).

The state flower is the red carnation, while the animal animal is the whitetail deer, which inhabits most of the region. Interestingly, the state insect is the ladybug, the state wildflower Trillium, the state stone stones, and the official state drink tomato juice.

The official state motto is "With God, all things are possible," while the official state song is "Beautiful Ohio," and Ohio's official Rock Song is "Tune."


There is evidence that several large cultures lived on this territory, the belonging of which has not yet been clarified. Various objects and archaeological monuments have survived to this day from these peoples. By the time the first Europeans arrived, the Sioux and Iroquois tribes lived here. By the way, it is from the language of the latter that the name of the state is translated as “big river”.

The first settlers to settle the future state of Ohio were the French. They owned this territory until 1763, when, as a result of the Franco-English war, it passed into the hands of Great Britain. And after the War of Independence, Ohio became part of a new state - the United States.

Little about the "Columbus" capital of Ohio

As already mentioned, the main city of the state is Columbus. Its history began in 1812 - it was then that it was founded. By the way, from the very beginning it was thought that the city that would be built on this site would become the capital of the state. And so it happened. Today, Columbus is an excellently developed metropolis - from an economic, trade, logistics, industrial and educational point of view. It is not surprising, because here they are engaged in trade, banking, healthcare, as well as the aviation, defense and food industries. All this gave a certain result, for example, in 2009 the city's GDP exceeded $ 90 billion!

Columbus, Ohio map

How to get there

The most important air harbor operates in Columbus. Port Columbus is only 10 km away from the capital. An international airport has also been built in Dayton. Which of the points of arrival to choose is up to you. The state is densely shrouded in a railway web, so it will be possible to get to any point without transfers and with comfort.

Ohio State Geography, climate and weather

Ohio State travel guide | history, weather, landmarks and facts

A large area of ​​the state is represented by plains. Ohio is called the state of the horse chestnut because of the abundance of these trees in the territory. In the west, the territory is heavily swampy. The Appalachian Plateau is located in the eastern part, reaching a height of 460 meters. Partially the territory of the plateau is covered with forests. The highest point is Campbell Hill, which is 472 meters above sea level. Lake Erie is located in the north of Ohio, and the Ohio River in the south. The climate is temperate, winters are usually cold and summers are not very hot. The average annual temperature in January is 0 to -3 ° C, in July 25 ° C. Average rainfall per year is 1000 mm. Floods occur periodically. There are severe blizzards in the north of the state.

Climatic features

Most of Ohio is located in the plains, which greatly affects the state's climate. Summers are hot, winters are cool - temperate climate. Extreme indicators are not observed - on average, in winter, the thermometer drops to minus 6 degrees, in summer it rises to 30 degrees.

The nature here is very beautiful, but it will be quite difficult to enjoy it during the winter months. There are frequent snowstorms and blizzards in the state. The most favorable months for heat lovers will be May-September.

Ohio weather

In terms of its area, Ohio occupies only 34th place among other states, so there is no need to talk about an impressive variety of natural areas for tourists. Winters are quite cool here and summers are hot. And if the plans include not only beach holidays, but also active excursions, Ohio can be visited in any season. There will be plenty of impressions. Moreover, the length of the state is only 355 km, you can see all the iconic places. The climate should be characterized as temperate, with severe blizzards in the winter months occurring only in the northern part. Average July temperatures are from 18 to 28 ° C, January temperatures are from +6 to -1 ° C.

Ohio State landmarks

You may ask whether tourism in these areas can be attributed to a source of income?

Most of the state of Ohio thrives on its hardworking people, but despite this, in addition to industry and agriculture, which are the main sources of income, tourism also contributes.

Indeed, there are many places here that are simply worth seeing. 

1. Bridge in Zanesville:

At the top of the list of Ohio's landmarks is the Y-shaped bridge in a town called Zanesille. This structure has three ends, as well as three roadways. This bridge can be seen at the point where two waterways, the Mackingham and Liking rivers, converge. 

If you find yourself in Ohio, then do not miss the chance to ride a roller coaster, which, incidentally, is in second place in terms of its height and speed.

2. Serpentine mound:

It is the snake mound that is considered one of the oldest architectural monuments. There is a figured mound called Serpent Mound, which is located near the crater of the same name. This stunning and amazing creation of the culture of the Indian people is located in Adams County, and stretches as much as 440 meters. The height of this mound reaches about one and a half meters, and visually it looks like a huge reptile. To this day, it is not clear who created this long earthen monument, because not a single artifact was found in the mound itself, it is only known that it was erected somewhere in 1050 BC.

There is an opinion that this mound, which is created in the form of a snake swallowing an egg, personifies nothing more than a solar eclipse. It is also believed that in the largest circle in terms of size, the tribes of the Indians lit fires during their rituals, thereby attracting the deities who protect the water, and the snake was the symbol of all this.

3. Valley of Cuyahoga:

A place in the river valley received the title of a national park only in 2000. You simply cannot bypass this area on foot, the area of ​​the Cuyahoga Valley is 33 thousand acres. Here, making your way along secret paths, you can see beavers, for which they even organized a real ecosystem, bred herons and wild ducks. This place is perfect for relaxation. Admire natural panoramas, masterpieces of Mother Nature, which have not been touched by a human hand. 

For example, such masterpieces include the Brandywine Falls and Tinkers Creek Gorge, be sure to visit them.

4. Cleveland:

Cleveland is one of the largest cities in Ohio. It is a large metropolis that is one of the best in terms of living standards in all of America. This city is part of the Cayahoga district and is 6% occupied by water, in addition, this industrial center is simply cut not only by canals, but also by railways. Here you can see many skyscrapers, universities, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Steamboat Museum and much more. And if you also visit the suburbs of Cleveland. Then not far from it there is the city of Akron, which is also called the "Rubber Capital of the World". And all because it is in Akron that the headquarters of the main companies that produce tires are located, even the tires of the Good Year company, which were widely heard to be made here. But production ceased in 1982.   


5. Lake Erie islands:

In the water area of ​​Lake Erie, you can see both small and large islets. Some are perfect for quiet, relaxing walks, while others are just vibrant with a vibrant nightlife. And on an island called Kellis, you can walk through the State Park, which is located near the limestone quarries formed in the ice blocks. You will also see the shortest lake here, which does not freeze even in winter and attracts the attention of many tourists. 

Interesting facts about the Ohio State

  • Cleveland boasts America's first traffic light. It began on August 5, 1914.
  • Ermal Freis invented the lidded jar in Kettering.
  • James J. Ritty of Dayton invented the cash register in 1879 to stop his patrons from stealing profits from the house.
  • The Y Bridge at Zanesville was first built in 1814 to cross the confluence of the Liking and Muskingum rivers. The current bridge is the fifth building on the same site. "Believe it or not" in the song "Ripley" declared it to be the only bridge in the world that can be crossed while staying on the same side of the river.
  • Ohio Senator John Glenn became the oldest person to go into space.
  • On February 20, 1962, he was the first American to fly in Earth orbit. In October 1998, at the age of 77, he returned to the space program and headed back into space.
  • Ohio is a leading producer of greenhouse and seedlings.
  • The Wright brothers are credited with inventing the first airplane from Dayton.
  • The popular sitcom The Drew Carey Show takes place in Cleveland.
  • East Liverpool was the starting point for the exploration of US state lands. This site was the area from which a rectangular grid land survey system was established by the Ordinance of 1785. The survey involved land management and division in the Old Northwest Territory. The ordinance stipulated that all state land should be divided into settlements six miles in area.
  • Some famous personalities were born in Ohio. Among them are Steven Spielberg, Paul Newman, Annie Oakley, Arsenio Hall and Clark Gable.
  • The first car service station was opened in 1899 in Ohio.
  • In 1852, Ohio was the first state to pass laws protecting women workers.
  • Ohio gave America its first hot dog in 1900. Harry M. Stevens created the popular lunch dog.
  • Ohio State became the 17th state on March 1, 1803.
  • East 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland were the site of the first pedestrian traffic light button. The boy selected for the 1948 newsreel to demonstrate his action was Louis Spronz.
  • Ohio has an area of ​​116,103 square miles. It ranks 34th in terms of state size.
  • Columbus is the Ohio state capital and largest city in Ohio.
  • 50% of the USA population lives within a 500 mile radius of Columbus.
  • Dresden is home to the largest basket in the world. It is located in Basket Village USA.
  • Fostoria is the only city located in three counties (Seneca, Hancock and Wood).
  • The state flag of Ohio is a pennant. This is the only national flag of this design in the United States.
  • Ohio University was founded in 1804 in Athens and is recognized as the first university in Ohio and the Northwest Territory.
  • Oberlin College was founded in 1833 and was the first college in the United States to offer interracial and collaborative classes.
  • Marietta was the first permanent settlement in Ohio. Founded in 1788 by General Rufus Putnam and named after Marie Antoinette, then Queen of France.
  • Chillicote was the first capital of Ohio.
  • Cleveland became the first city in the world to receive electric lighting in 1879.
  • Ohio is known as Buckeye State.
  • Thomas A. Edison from Milan developed the incandescent lamp, phonograph and movie camera.
  • John Lambert of Ohio made the first car in America in 1891.
  • Charles Kettering of Lundonville invented the self-starter automobile in 1911.
  • Charles Goodyear of Akron developed the rubber vulcanization process in 1839.
  • Roy J. Plunkett of New Carlisle invented Teflon in 1938.

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